JK Cement

Give your walls a flawless, pearl-like finish with JKCement SmoothMaxX

Don’t we all want a pearl-like finish on our home decor while planning to move into a new home or maybe renovating the existing one? Pearl-like finished walls have an exquisite kind of beauty that not only fulfils the aesthetic needs but also gives you a feel of luxury living. However, having such a finish on the walls also comes with certain challenges such as cracks and crevices formation.

But, what if we told you that you can get a smooth, glossy, pearl-like finish on the walls of your house without any extra labour or material? Yes, this is possible, with our JKCement SmoothMaxX Super Smooth Wall Putty

The wall putty elevates the appearance of the interior and exterior surfaces of your home in three ways. 

Applying wall putties prior to paint application is beneficial for the overall appearance and durability of our homes. It gives an ideal formation to the walls for the seamless application of wall paints. Furthermore, you can create trendy wall putty textured designs on your walls such as the classic brick texture, designs with stencil and sponge, etc., to upgrade your home decor for creating an everlasting impression. 

With its incredible tensile adhesion and compressive strength (the measure of how strong the bond between paint and wall putty is), this white cement based putty boosts the strength barrier of the painted surface to prolong its paint life. This ensures that your home’s interiors and exteriors will have the power to withstand wall damaging factors like pinholes, hairline cracks, wall dampness, and other issues caused by environmental influences such as heavy rain, pollution, etc.. All these advantages of using wall putty on the painted surfaces will ensure that your house keeps on shining bright for years to come.

Therefore, if you want to make the walls of your home appear classy and lavish, here’s how you can do it with our JKCement SmoothMaxX Super Smooth Wall Putty: 

  1. Thoroughly clean the surface to remove any organic solvents, dirt, oil and dust.
  2. Use 38% to 42% water and add it to the JKCement SmoothMaxX wall putty powder in a pan. Blend the mixture consistently with the help of a mechanical stirrer. 
  3. Wait for 5 minutes before applying the paste. This paste-like consistency should be used within 2-3 hours.
  4. Prior to wall putty application, pre-wet the wall surface to eliminate any loose particles.
  5. Apply the first coat of the homogeneous paste from bottom to top with a spatula/ trowel/ blade 
  6. Once the first coat has completely dried, clean the loose particles with a putty blade/ cloth/ sponge.
  7. Then apply the second coat in a horizontal direction once the surface is cleaned completely. 
  8. Wait for the surface to fully dry prior to applying the paint on the walls.

JKCement SmoothMaxX is your best alternative for achieving a premium or pearl-like finish on your walls and enhancing the aesthetics of your home. Add the protective and smooth layer of JKCement SmoothMaxX to your abode today and experience luxury living like never before!

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