JK Cement

What is PPC in Cement?

What is PPC in Cement

Cement is an ingredient of concrete which is an essential construction material. Limestone and clay obtained from quarries are processed to form cement. Portland cement is the most widely used cement for construction. Depending on your construction needs, Portland cement can be of numerous types, out of which Portland Pozzolana Cement is used for almost all construction projects. You can find information on PPC below.

What is PPC in Cement?

The full form of PPC in cement is Portland Pozzolana Cement. PPC is a type of blended cement comprising Portland clinker, pozzolana particles and gypsum in certain specific proportions. Clinker are pebble-sized particles formed by intimately grounding limestone and clay and heating it in kilns at high temperatures. When clinker is blended with gypsum, it forms Ordinary Blended Cement (OPC), when OPC is blended with natural or artificial pozzolana particles. 

What is Pozzolana?

Pozzolana or pozzolans are particles that contain constituents which when combined with lime and water forms compounds that possess cementing properties. Pozzolana can be of the following types:

Types of Portland Pozzolana Cement

Based on the type of pozzolana used, PPC can be categorised into the following:

How is PPC Made?

The following is the manufacturing process of PPC:

  1. Materials comprising lime, silica, alumina and iron oxide are intimately grounded.
  2. This mix is heated at extremely high temperatures in a kiln to form Portland clinker. 
  3. Portland clinker is further ground with fly ash or calcined clay or Portland cement is uniformly blended with the pozzolana particles. The pozzolana constituent should be in the range of 10 to 25% by mass of PPC. 
  4. Natural or chemical gypsum may be added during the grinding process.

Applications of PPC

PPC can be used in the following constructions:

Properties of Portland Pozzolana Cement2 3

Per the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), PPC should possess the following properties:

It indicates the particle size of cement which impacts the surface area and, in turn, the heat of hydration. The surface of PPC must be at least 300m2/kg.

Using the Le Chatelier method, unaerated Portland Pozzolana Cement shall not have an expansion of more than 10 mm and 0.8%, respectively. Soundness of cement is the volume change when its set and hardened. 

The initial time is the time when cement turns into paste when mixed with water and begins losing its plasticity. For PPC, the initial setting time is 30 minutes (minimum).

The time when cement loses its plasticity completely after it has been mixed water is the final setting time. The final setting time for PPC is 600 minutes (maximum)

Compressive strength refers to the capacity of concrete to withstand load without cracking or deflecting. The compressive strength of concrete at 3, 7 and 28 days should be 16MPa, 22MPa, and 33MPa, respectively.

Drying shrinkage is the contracting of hardened concrete due to the loss of capillary water. The percentage of drying shrinkage should not exceed 0.15%.

Benefits of PPC

Here are the advantages of Portland Pozzolana Cement:

Avail of high-strength and durable buildings with JK Super Cement – PPC. 


How should PPC cement be stored?

PPC cement should be stored in weather-proof buildings to prevent the cement from dampness and minimise potential warehouse deterioration. Additionally, it must be stored in a way that allows easy access for inspection and identification.

What is the difference between OPC, PPC and PSC?

When Portland cement clinker is ground with gypsum, it produces Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). When the clinker is ground with pozzolana, it creates PPC. Similarly, when the clinker is ground with slag, it produces PSC. PPC and PSC are blended cements that provide improved properties to the concrete mix. 

What is the role of gypsum in cement?

Gypsum is added to cement as it controls the setting time of concrete. 

How is concrete made?

Concrete is made by mixing cement, aggregates and water in the required proportions. Different grades of concrete will have different concrete mix ratios. 

Why is water necessary in concrete?

When it comes to concrete, the aggregates, i.e., sand, gravel or crushed rocks need a substance that will bind them and form a durable structure. The binding is provided by cement when it’s mixed with water. Water hydrates the cement and causes the concrete to harden through a chemical reaction called hydration.

What are the grades of concrete?4

The grade of concrete is its compressive strength at 28 days. The following are the different grades of concrete:

Group Grade Designation Specified Characteristic Compressive Strength of 150 mm Cube at 28 Days
Ordinary Concrete M10 10 N/mm2
M15 15 N/mm2
M20 20 N/mm2
Standard Concrete M25 25 N/mm2
M30 30 N/mm2
M35 35 N/mm2
M40 40 N/mm2
M45 45 N/mm2
M50 50 N/mm2
M55 55 N/mm2
High Strength Concrete M60 60 N/mm2
M65 65 N/mm2
M70 70 N/mm2
M75 75 N/mm2
M80 80 N/mm2

*Disclaimer: The information provided above is for general purpose and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. 

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